

ok, story.

So when I was thirteen-ish I saw this therapist, who was like…WASPy Southern Belle heterosexual to the max. And I this nervous little Jewish lesbian in the South all scared and depressed and blah blah blah.

And I told her once about a dream I had where I asked a girl out and she rejected me for being “too Jewish”, and the therapist was shocked

She was all, “you’re a Jewish lesbian in your dreams?”

and I was like, “…as I am in life?”

and she went, “But I thought in dreams we all went back to the default and everyone became normal people.”

“No. I’m Jewish and gay all the time.”

“Isn’t that exhausting?” 

“…kind of?” 


Imagine going through life seeing your background/self as “default”! Imagine thinking everyone became like you while unconscious! Imagine!

that therapist needs to lose her job wtf