ive spent the last four days watching invader zim for the first time, for some reason

anyway i see all you homestucks writing fic

Not really a question, but your review of The Visitor made me think. With what Aftran said about experiencing human senses, I wonder how Yeerks restrain themselves in indulging in various pleasures (sightseeing, sports, etc–we see Edriss likes sailing.) It must be hard between having these amazing senses and working for the Worst Boss.


There was a great headcanon I saw (and now I can’t find the post, argh) which speculated that the only reason Visser Three is so fond of eating his enemies is because that’s the only chance he gets to have fun tasting things.  Which is horrible and amazing and, just… poor Alloran.  Anyway, I gleefully accept this headcanon the same way that I gleefully accept any and all utterly horrible headcanons about hosts having far more influence on their yeerks than the yeerks themselves ever want to acknowledge.  

Also, if anyone knows where that post is, please please please reply with a link.

there’s an interesting looking fic with no explicit tags or anything but it’s in a series called “knotted”



phone games blocking out your clock in the UI is like how casinos don’t have any windows send tweet





Have you ever been reading what you thought was just a funny animal comic, but then you see a certain pose, or a certain turn of phrase… and you know?

That they’re a furry or a Homestuck? Or that they draw porn? Don’t leave us hanging, man.

or All of the above

Oddly, “the artist is a furry Homestuck whose paying gig is doing weird porn” is exactly the scenario that prompted this post.