“Bees are the smallest of birds. They are born from the bodies of oxen, or from the decaying flesh of slaughtered calves; worms form in the flesh and then turn into bees. Bees live in community, choose the most noble among them as king, have wars, and make honey. Their laws are based on custom, but the king does not enforce the law; rather the lawbreakers punish themselves by stinging themselves to death. Bees are afraid of smoke and are excited by noise. Each has its own duty: guarding the food supply, watching for rain, collecting dew to make honey, and making wax from flowers.”
— I love medieval bestiaries so much (via sampledtelevision-archive)
wait no i got it
she’s a vigilante kinda
the cutest lil batman
im trying to make a kinda justice themed/inspired character for my thing but i just. keep thinking abt terezi. shes the perfect justice character. i cant improve on that
signs as: numbers from 1 to 288
i dont see how the fuck this could possibly be a homestuck post but i also dont see how this could possibly not be a homestuck post
homestuck just made up a shitton of zodiac signs theres 288 now
ok I thought that was a really funny reply but apparently thats just something hussie did what the fuck