Earthworm Jim is 100% a furry more then any thing in the world
he is a worm piloting a mech it is completely different. he is practically the opposite of a furry – an animal who dons a human suit.
If a dog had a humansona and cosplayed as a man I would consider the dog a furry. Likewise a worm who dresses up in a mechanized man-body is likewise just wearing a fursuit in the eyes of a non human
does shinji have an evangelion-sona just because he gets in one to save the world?
“Is Earthworm Jim a Furry” – the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 12,239 pages of heated debate,
karkat and sollux were basically best fucking friends with huge messy humiliating crushes on each other and i feel like somehow not enough people ever really got around to exploring the potential there even though it was one of the earliest and most obvious ships amongst the trolls
like. karkat, who already can’t separate his feelings for others into quadrants, is simultaneously envious of, worried about, and comfortable with sollux. he wants his friend to take better care of himself and wishes he would move closer so they could see each other more, but is also petty and rude and insulting in that way teenage boys so often are. he’s bitter that sollux is better at coding than he is, but also admires him for this fact, but also resents that such skill is wasted on a hot mess like sollux, but also wants the best for his good pal. meanwhile sollux teases the hell out of karkat because (1) he’s an insecure asshole to basically everyone and (2) he wants to push karkat to be better, which sollux knows he can be.
they know each other well enough that they are able to be at least kind of open with their genuine feelings, even if in a fairly roundabout way mixed with dark humor and deprecation of both themselves and one another. they’re basically always black flirting – sometimes as a joke, sometimes because they’re actually pissed at each other, and sometimes to cover the legitimate concern and affection they share. and no matter how vitriolic they get, they’re always reassured of their friendship because they’re just a couple of miserable, dorky 13-year-olds clinging to each other in the face of their uncertain but surely unpleasant fates at the hands of the harrowing world in which they live.