






do tumbleweeds actually blow around in the southwest or is that a myth…?

!!! They do!!!

Tumbleweed is actually an invasive species from Siberia. What happens is when the soil gets too dry the roots come out of the ground and the plant curls up into a ball so that it can blow to a new spot. When it comes into contact with wet soil its roots will unfold and it will settle down. 

That is ten times more fucked up than I thought. They plant themselves again? That’s neat. I always thought they were just dead leaves and twigs in a bunch.

I like this. Tumbleweeds just fuck off when they don’t like a place, they are not like other plants who have to respect your plant rules, they are rebels.

invasive species from Siberia

again, you can just make up whatever scientific sounding thing you want and people will believe you!!

Except it’s literally the case here. Like, they stated it with more certainty than it potentially warrants, but yeah.