


It’s great to rally support for the Amazon strike, but a lot of the posts I’m seeing talking about it seem incomplete.

In particular, there’s a lot of talk about avoiding Amazon this specific day, July 10. That seems to imply people would be fine resuming any purchases tomorrow? But delaying purchases by a day doesn’t seem like something that would actually accomplish much. Boycotts don’t work if they stop before the company gives in to any demands.

A meaningful boycott of Amazon means being willing to spend weeks or months taking business elsewhere, and having some way of tracking the status of the demands to know if/when the situation changes. It also means having an agreement of what exactly the sort of business to avoid with them entails. That means identifying subsidaries (ex. Twitch) and determining how to handle them, including in more ambiguous situations (ex. watching Twitch streams without directly giving Twitch any money). And it takes time to get a meaningful amount of people on board with all this.

I hope the strike and any boycotting is going well in Europe, but the stuff I’ve been seeing around Tumblr doesn’t seem like it’s currently coherent enough to make much meaningful contribution.

For those wondering, the strike is currently scheduled to run from the 10th of July through to the 17th of July, but it may run longer than that.