Retirement age Animorphs. Go.


Marco retires to Florida, only so he can morph into a gorilla, put on a terrible Hawaiian shirt and one of those weird green visor things, and dick around on a golf cart. You’re a fool if you think he ever learned how to driver properly. He is a terror, and knows that nobody will ever dare stop him.

Cassie wears a lot of weird patterned pants and tunics, probably does pottery in her spare time at the community center, probably get super into medical marijuana. Delightfully vicious feminist and animal rights activist. Walking MERCK veterinary manual.

Jake buys a motorcycle and tries to ‘find’ himself in Topanga Canyon. Failing that, he buys a cabin in the woods somewhere and makes lots and lots of fly fishing lures. Thick Dad Type.

Rachel owns and operates one of the scariest fucking dive bars you have ever been in, but it is also the BEST FUCKING DIVE BAR YOU HAVE EVER BEEN IN.

Tobias audits a ton of college courses, learns everything he can. As a hawk. Don’t fuck with me on this. It’s what I believe in my heart. He is the eternal gatherer of information and random knowledge. He can talk your ear off about… anything. And he’s a wonderful story teller.

Ax? Doesn’t understand your human concept of retirement. When he’s too old to serve in the military, he teaches young Andalites how to punch other young Andalites in the face. Yes. Yes, that’s how it goes.