Why would you call your cat that!? Why would you call your cat something you hate?
Oh hey, this is my cat “Minimum Wage”, give me a second and I’ll give you a chance to meet my dogs “Depression” and “Anxiety”
I think his dad named it.
Yes, the cat was a gift from his father, and when H.P. Lovecraft first got the cat he was just as racist as his dad was so the name didn’t bother him. And according to Robert E. Howard, even after H.P. Lovecraft was starting to unlearn that shit. he refused to rename the cat because he’d rather be thought a bigot by humans than force an adult cat to learn a new name.
H.P. Lovecraft never fully unlearned that shit, btw. By the time of his death he was far less bigoted than was common for people who grew up as east coast aristocrats. And the fact that no-name social justice writers still want to remember him only through the lens of his early stories is kinda gross. Lovecraft is a monument to the fact that racism is learned, and can be unlearned even if it is a long and painful path.
Tumblr culture hates redemption stories. Those kind of people don’t want hateful people to improve, they just want them to be destroyed.