So sometime this fall, Husband and I are probably going to get a cat, by which I mean, we’re really definitely getting a cat.
We’re going with the local no-kill shelter and probably looking at an adult or senior cat, so we’ll see who they have that gets along with Charlie come November but-
Hopefully a large and lazy cat. Like, the ideal cat for us is something roughly the size and energy level of a christmas ham. Just a huge lump of cat.
So we’ve been discussing potential cat names for future fur beast and have come up with this list:
- Beef Lumpbeast
- Fluff Couchblob
- Brick Fatbutt
- Basically any large cat version of a Space Mutiny Name
- Hashtag, becuase then everything you yell at the cat becomes a # like #getoffthecounter, #Ialreadyfedyou, #don’tbitemyboob, #stopeatingplastic
- Potato
- Potato is always a good name for a cat.
- Ham is a good name too, come to think of it
- Food names in general are good for pets
- Dunkleosteus
- Horg