Okay so I love things with Peter and Shuri confusing the others with memes but consider this…
Steve Rodgers has been studying pop culture to try to “get with the times”. He probably doesn’t know how much the average adult knows, so this man has seen ALL of the memes, just because he thought that they were common knowledge.
Peter and Shuri: THIS BITCH EMPTY
Steve, without looking up from his phone: yeet
Peter and Shuri: I’d do anything fow you Captain Amewica-
Steve, without even a hint of malice in his voice: Then perish.
peter and shuri: mr. white wolf i would die for you
steve: Big Mood
Big mood
Shuri, to Peter: How did you take down Captain America?
Steve: He shot me in the legs, cause my shield’s the size of a dinner plate, and I’m an idiot.