In many ways – socially, technologically, industrially – we’ve improved greatly from the ancient societies. For all the flaws of the world today, and there are many which we need to overcome, we should recognize that we as a species have achieved a tremendous amount.
That being said, we need to start painting elaborate scenes on our pots and bowls again. I’m stick of my saucepan just being black instead of having some ritual or historical event on the sides.
I was tanking, in a rather nasty fight, and just before he can heal me, our healer gets knocked out. Not my day. So knowing the campaign is almost over, and it’ll be worth their wrath, I dive into the last baddies. In an orgy of mutual bloodletting, me and last enemies die.
DM: (ooc) well that was special. (IC) Anyway, what do you do now?
Rogue: loot the bodies of course
Cleric: (ooc) uh… Crap, I’m too low a level to resurrect you
Sorcerer: (ooc) that’s right, you’re dead too. (To DM)I loot his body
Rogue: me too!
DM divides up the tanks items, then looks at me…
Me: so confession time, I’m not a tank.
Confused looks from the other players.
Me: who picked up my sword?
Rogue: you didn’t…. (Looks at DM) you let him?
DM evil grins: sorcerer make a will save.
Sorcerer: why? He’s dead.
Me: that’s what you think… I’m not the body, I’m the sword.
And this is how the group descovered my penchant for unique characters, like intelligent items.