

Canon Dudley Post-Last Book: Has some minor character growth when he and Harry part ways, apparently does nothing of note from then until his kids are old enough to play with Harry’s kids. He and Harry are on ‘Christmas Card’ terms aka mega-awk.

Dudley After I Get My Dirty Fanficish Hands on Him: Gets a girl pregnant before he turns 20, but ends up surprising everyone by wanting to be a good dad and stick by his new little family. He becomes a military spouse when his wife joins the army and goes to Afganistan in November 2001 (Fun fact, in this fic Harry was around there, too! Don’t ask why yet!). She dies in 2004, around the same time that Dudley’s daughter – Daisy (because I love this fanon name for her) – begins to showcase magical ability. Uncle Vernon makes a comment along the lines of “should have left *her* on a doorstep somewhere like that Potter boy” and Dudley, bless him, punches the absolute hell out of his Da. He takes Daisy and moves far far away from both of his parents (Vernon is awful, and Petunia is awful because while she still calls from time to time, she refuses to leave Vernon even when Dudley tells her he has a safe place for her to go), and at that time gets back in touch with Harry (before, actually, since Harry is the one that comes with the news about Mrs. Dudley) and they become close.

Harry introduces single-dad Dudley to the Weasleys, and Arthur especially takes a liking to him because GASP FULL MUGGLE! FULL MUGGLE WITH NO MAGIC! SHOW HIM HOW EMAIL WORKS PLEASE! And for the first time in his life, Dudley is exposed to a family that isn’t full of hate and bitterness and actually becomes a pretty swell guy because of it. He even gets a Weasley jumper, too.

Daisy gets sorted into Ravenclaw, and boy is Dudley proud. He always struggled in school himself (turns out that’s what happens when you have a learning disability that parents just brush off as “Oh you’re just a man! That’s not aggression caused by frustration, that’s just MANLINESS. There’s nothing wrong with my wittle Duddy-wuddy, here have a bunch of gifts and no help whatsoever for the actual problem because you’re PERFECT. We said so!”) and his daughter has the same issues herself, yet here she is! Getting sorted into the smartest house in Hogwarts! Dudley totally becomes *that* doting dad with a bumper sticker that says “My Child is an Honour Student at Hogwarts”.

I’d read the hell out of this.