my homestuck troll typing quirk would be that i type ev*ry wo//rd l*ke i d.nt w/a/n/t it to sh*w up in tum.blr sea//rch res/ults
One of my pet theories is actually that typing quirks already serve as a protective measure against surveillance/wiretapping. You’re less likely to get culled for sedition if the webcrawlers can’t pick suspicious keywords out of your text.
head canon accepted
Does This Mean Kanaya Has No Fucks To Give And Is Tacitly Daring The Powers That Be To Just Try And Cull Her?
Well it would be in character
meanwhile Karkat “Master of Secrecy” karkat just types in allcaps because he legitimately doesn’t realize how easy that is to parse
I like this headcanon more and more as it goes on