twitter feminist: it’s so important to love your body! never forget that you are beautiful and that you look amazing!! 🙂
twitter feminist 2 seconds later @ someone who disagreed with her: smh look at those sloppy wings and cheap lipstick go wash your nasty pussy ugly bitch your just jealous you don’t look #flawless like me
I wanna talk about this, because this is a huge issue I see not just on twitter but on Tumblr and just in general in real physical feminist and progressive spaces. When a woman says or does something problematic, most people’s reaction even in feminist/liberal/lgbt/progressive spaces is to go after her appearance, calling her ugly and picking apart her physical appearance. This is a huge issue I see even on feminist blogs that are reblogging “body positivity” posts.
Everyone tries to justify it by saying it’s okay because she’s privileged, she has cis privilege so it’s okay to insult her makeup, it’s okay she has white privilege so it’s okay to insult her eyebrows, it’s okay she has straight privilege so it’s okay to insult her hair, she’s able bodied so it’s okay to insult her ass, she’s neurotypical so it’s okay to insult her outfit, ect. ect.
How come no one ever stops to think about a) why is this your first reaction when a woman says or does something problematic but you don’t have the same reaction when a man says or does something problematic and b) how this ends up affecting women as a whole including less privileged women. When men see even “feminists” attacking the appearance of a woman they disagree with, it sends the message it’s okay to insult the physical appearance of a woman just because you don’t agree with her as if that’s not already a serial issue. It sends the message to less privileged women who share those same physical traits that there’s something wrong and bad about those physical traits. It also sends the message to women as a whole that their virtue and morality in entwined with their physical appearance, a message that patriarchy has been sending to women since birth that we should be working to dismantle instead of weaponizing against “problematic” women, because again enforcing that shit is going to come back around to hurt all women including (actually I’d like to say ESPECIALLY) less privileged ones.