Actual genetic testing for intersex, gnc, and trans people is going to be great because everybody in the workplace is going to shuffle into the break room (”beats workin’” one of the old white guys will say) and we’ll sit down at the plastic lunch tables and management will pass out a little baggie with a tube to spit in and painstakingly go over how to seal it and affix the label. It’s just like drug testing, you did that when we hired you, except you can’t fail! And you get twenty minutes off your workday, right? Great.
I could get lucky at this point. It doesn’t always show up on tests. I wouldn’t say that my body is a fifty-fifty split. But.
Days or weeks later a couple people from management will pull me off the lanes and take me into the nurse’s office. They’ll open the door for me and say “Sorry, buddy, I know this is a hassle” and they’ll say I have to do it again because my sample looked contaminated. (I did like a 23andMe thing once and they kept telling me they thought my sample must have gotten mixed with some else’s – it’s probably just the way these labs work, the checking process for your sample is probably automated.) But I’ll grunt and say “it’s fine” and sit in a chair and spit into another tube while they stare at me. I might have to repeat the process until they figure out I used to be twins, a boy twin and a girl twin, and my genetics reflect that. (”Oh wow I didn’t know that about you,” will the manager say, trying really hard to make encouraging small talk.)
Then I’ll find out that there’s some problem with my paycheck or the ID reader thing won’t let me clock in and I’ll go to the HR desk and spend like ten minutes being bored in line while the people in front of me figure out their parking passes or lost passwords and they say there’s some red tape I have to jump through about my gender, it’s not a big deal, you just have to go get a doctor to sign off on – (awkward pause) – on one or another before I go back to work, it’s a federal regulation thing. I’ll irritably play a lot of phone tag trying to make sure I don’t use my UPT (unpaid time off) hours while I can’t work, and then go to the health center the next town over where I used to get my fillings done. The 21-year-old receptionist will give me kind of a pained look when she calls me to the front and I’ll try to act casual for her sake, or maybe I’ll feel defiant and show her I’m uncomfortable and annoyed just to make her feel bad, because she’s the closest approximate thing to a target. (although I won’t, because I’m too old for that and it’s not her fault). The doctor will give me a tight smile and say “Sorry, I know this is invasive.” Then I’ll go home and bitch about it on Tumblr.
I don’t know exactly what happens next, maybe I’ll lose my job and the state will give me a letter saying that owing to United States regulation they can’t offer Medicaid to (they’ll phrase it in the most neutral possible way, like “those with a gender or sex ambiguity“ – you know, they’re trying to make it sound like they’re still progressive and their hands are tied, all saying that gender and sex are different), and then I’ll bitch about that on Tumblr too, but whatever, I managed bipolar for so long when I was undiagnosed, I don’t need to afford my meds.
That’s about as far as my imagination goes, but even if they decided to straight-up euthanize me it’s going to be boring, and there’ll be a lot of papers to sign and a lot of shuffling around near plastic tables under fluorescent lights, and it’s not going to feel dramatic and it’s not going to feel like something with a clear way to fight. Jackbooted thugs who I can heroically punch or physically escape from will probably not show up at my house in the middle of the night (and if they do I’d really be fucked, but at least I’d get an adrenaline rush out of it).
I dunno, it might come from being a Slav and knowing people who lived under Communism, but I see the future and not only are we all going to lose our rights and die, it’s going to be slow, boring, and really fucking annoying, and because of that it’ll creep up on us.
Of course, the upside of this is that the change we want will creep up on them too. You vote, your friends vote, Republicans lose the majority. You vote (vote, goddamn you) in local elections and get better quality candidates if you don’t like the ones we got. Donation posts go around Tumblr and we can gofundme crack teams of immigration lawyers. (Also, check Charity [Navigator] for charities that work with refugees and immigrants.) (While you’re at it, here are [some] LGBT charities too, including one for intersex rights and those supporting LGBT immigrants and asylum seekers.) The ways that you can help are also not dramatic. When they come you have to notice them.
They are also vulnerable to a death by a thousand cuts. Don’t forget that.
trump didnt create fascism, and he didnt create the alt-right, its so important to remember this so we dont fall into the same clownery that #Resistance liberals fall into.
These groups existed before trump and they’ll exist after. However, by using the language they use, by vilifying groups they vilify, by calling people who disagree with him enemies of America, trump is telling them he is one of them. Every far right asshole who harbors enough hate to assault, bomb, and shoot those different from themselves feels that they have a friend at the highest level of the American government.
So no, trump may not have unilaterally radicalized these individuals. But would they be attacking who they attack with a greater frequency if he wasn’t making them feel that they have the support of the White House?
My favourite thing about the Aziraphale and Crowley relationship is that they tempt each other
They canonically spend time tempting each other and excusing their time spent together as “oh I’m trying to tempt this angel/demon to the side of good/evil and it’s actually working!!!” to their superiors
And it’s TRUE because their time spent “tempting each other” (ie loving each other and becoming each other’s most important person-like presence in their lives) has turned them both into true neutrals, with Aziraphale being totally okay with tiny infractions for his own satisfaction and Crowley actually caring about the consequences of his actions just because he doesn’t want to disappoint Aziraphale
They are each other’s temptation and that’s… That’s so beautiful.
Keepalive is Aram Bartholl’s fake hollow boulder in the woods of Neuenkirchen, Germany. It conceals a thermoelectric generator that powers a router configured to serve documents related to wilderness survival. The router switches on if the rock is sufficiently warmed, say by a blazing campfire adjacent to it.
It’s based on Piratebox, a standalone Internet router project for file-sharing.
It’s not the only art/artificial boulder project, though: Ed Ruscha claims to have made an artificial boulder called “Rocky II” and hidden it somewhere in the Mojave, where it is visually indistinguishable from the surrounding rocks, making it all but impossible to find.
that magic rock in the Mojave is going to confuse the fuck out of our descendants one day.
probably not. it’s just a rock. most rocks go unregarded
most rocks aren’t wifi access points!
you need to regard a rock to find out if it is a wifi access point.
w hat the fuck. did the world’s most sadistic text adventure game writer make this rock
You are lost in a woodland clearing. There is a large boulder and a pile of firewood nearby. > check cell phone You open your cell phone to google wilderness survival tips, but you don’t have any service. > make campfire with firewood You could light a fire here, but you’d still be lost. > regard rock It’s a large rock. The underside of the rock appears slightly charred. > light campfire under rock Pretty soon you have a blazing campfire going underneath the boulder. > regard rock The strange boulder, now warmed, has begun to emit a faint mechanical hum. > check cell phone You open your cell phone. There is one wifi network available, named “KeepAlive.” > connect to rock wifi The wifi router opens a webpage full of documents on wilderness survival. > ????? Invalid command. > why Invalid command. > who hides secrets in a magic heat-activated rock Invalid command.