George Buzinkai passed away yesterday. Buzinkai was a member of the Homestuck Music Team, and scored several animations with songs like Explore
Endless Climb
And, most importantly, Doctor, the most popular and remixed track in Homestuck, and the unofficial theme of the series
Buzinkai was one of the most important people to Homestuck’s success, right up there with Toby Fox and Hussie himself. He had been working on a video game
i’ve seen a lot of people (including me) make the mistake of assuming buzinkai was a man, so let it be known that all of this iconic homestuck music was in fact made by a trans woman. rest in peace.
after a little digging on their reddit i can confirm that they are trans, and ace to boot. i cant think about homestuck music without immediately hearing one of their tracks in my head. rest in peace buzinkai.