Captured Guard: “I’m not telling you anything.”
GM: He starts to foam from the mouth and-
Medic: Oh, no you don’t! I tackle him out of the chair and force him to vomit. Does (Gunner) still have that juice box?
Gunner: Sure, I hand it over.
Medic: I’m going to use that to rinse his mouth.
GM: Go ahead and roll for it
Medic: *Rolls really well.*
GM: So the guard just lays there, astonished and upset he’s still alive.
Medic: “YOU THOUGHT, BITCH! No one here dies unless I want them to!”
Later, with a different guard who’s cyanide tooth she had removed before he could use it:
Medic: “Just tell us the names of your higher ups.
(Newly) Captured Guard 2: “It would be easier if I just wrote them down for you, there’s quite a few.”
Medic: “No, you can list them out. I’ll write them down.”
Captured Guard 2: “You sure? Some of them are hard to spell-”
Medic: “I am NOT giving you a pen so you can stab yourself in the throat and die since I took your cyanide tooth out.”
Captured Guard 2: “What, I would never-”
Medic: “Just list the names, asshole, and don’t bother lying. I’ll just make you wish I let you kill yourself for your group.”
Same energy
we had a character in one of our games who was… not very bright. so at one point he captured someone shortly after a cyanide tooth thing had happened, so he just yelled “NO SUICIDE” and removed several of their teeth at random.