

The HD graphics really make it that much funnier that we all know Oddish is gonna wreck his shit

So I’ve been seeing this sentiment in the comments pretty often so lemme just break it down.

These are Oddish’s base stats.

Nothing too impressive overall, but pay attention to that high Special attack stat.

These are Onix’s stats.

And his weaknesses

For all his size, Onix has great defense, which makes sense. However, his Special defense is horrible and he doesn’t have enough HP for that high defense to matter much this early in the game.

The only damaging attack my Oddish had at this point was absorb, a base 20 power Special Attack. Usually, not that great. However, due to Onix’s nonexistent HP and a lack of Special Defense, and the fact that it is 4x weak to grass moves, that pathetic little absorb, from this tiny radish, fucking obliterated that rock snake in one hit.

It wasn’t even a fight. Oddish just flexed all over Brock’s life. Oddish did the equivalent of a fortnite dance on Onix’s fainted body.