

Alright so now I want to talk about how amazing the Discworld universe is, because there are some crazy events and characters in it such as:

  • The primary city in the series, Ankh-Morpork, getting infested by a living shopping mall
  • Havelock Vetinari, tyrant of Ankh-Morpork, master manipulator and former assassin and his endless struggle against the fiendish crossword puzzles of a sweet old lady
  • Death is actually a huge dork
  • Death takes up farming for a bit because he gets fired for being a huge dork
  • The worlds greatest conman gets coerced into becoming the worlds greatest mailman
  • All vampires think that if they spell their name backwards nobody will know it’s them
  • A gang of crotchety old barbarians go to Mount Olympus so they can blow it up
  • Garfield starts a Pied Piper protection racket
  • A bunch of overweight elderly wizards attempt to take up football (soccer)

There’s so much more but this is what I’ve got for now.
