


Hey guys! I am asking a big favor of the tumblr community right now. Recently I made a silly post about the “male tears” mug that I bought, fully expecting it to only be seen by a couple followers and get a few chuckles out of them. Unfortunately, what it brought on was much worse. In the handful of days that it’s been posted, I’ve gotten countless insulting comments about my appearance, derogatory remarks about feminism, accusations of perpetuating “misandry” (lol) and multiple threats in my inbox, including but not limited to death and rape. I have depression and every time I see reminders of these vitriolic comments it is extremely upsetting. I’ve since deleted the post, but it’s still my “most popular post” on my Activity page, and I would really rather it not be.

At this time, the post itself has over 500 notes, and I know nothing else I post is going to top that. So my request of the tumblr community is simple: get this (rather more flattering than the pictures I took with the mug) selfie to more than that so I don’t have to deal with the anxiety brought on by reminders of the other post! Every note is appreciated, so if you could signal boost this or even just like it that would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks so much, tumblr, I know you guys can prove that this site is so much more than a home of bullies and misogynists!

im proposing marriage to literally everyone who has reblogged this

this is non-negotiable you’re all married to me now