

This is the current signature count for the petition to restore Net Neutrality. As you can see it has a very long way to go.

Come on people I know there are at least 64,000 of you on tumblr who haven’t signed this yet. Click here to do so

If you have already signed be sure to share the link so that the word will spread.

hey real talk for a second

the deadline for this petition is in THREE WEEKS

and it’s not even halfway to meeting the goal.

If it doesn’t meet the goal, IT’S OVER. THE PETITION IS REMOVED. THE END.

I know it might be a little annoying to take a whole two minutes out of your life to make an account and sign this, but that little annoyance pales in comparison to the fact that right now, MASSIVE CORPORATIONS NOW HAVE THE POWER TO CONTROL HOW THE INTERNET IS RUN

Please, DON’T sit back and think, “Oh, everyone else will sign it. I’ll just reblog.” No. There are literally THOUSANDS of people thinking the exact same thing. There’s a reason this post has almost 20,000 notes more than the number of signatures: It’s because people are liking and reblogging without signing it.

Don’t fall victim to the bystander effect. DO take this very, very seriously. The only requirement for signing is that you are 13 years or olderYou don’t have to be a U.S. citizen to sign. So please, take the two minutes. Sign the petition. It’s the only hope we have to fix this.