



(Guys, I need your help.

The two 9th grade English teachers at my school went to a book convention about a month ago and brought back A TON of new books, ALL of which were bought with their own money. I’ve heard they spent $2000+ on those books, and with how many books they brought back, I can believe it.

The school board, however, wants ALL THE BOOKS—not just the ones they bought recently—in their classrooms libraries to be reviewed for violence, sexual content, language, etc. They will take any books off those shelves if they deem them “inappropriate”.

I can see where they’re coming from, although I do not agree with them in the slightest. WE ARE HIGH-SCHOOLERS. WE CAN HANDLE THESE THINGS. THEY ARE IN THE REAL WORLD AND THEY ARE BLINDING US FROM THOSE THINGS.

Now here’s the worst part. Yesterday—December 20, 2013—my English teacher got an e-mail from the school board telling her when the deadline for all of those books was.

FEBRUARY 1, 2014.

That is literally impossible. My teacher began to cry when she was telling us about it. No one—NO ONE—can read so many books that fast. Not even if we divide it among our grade could that be possible, especially with our midterms in January.

My grade is outraged. Unfortunately, petitioning is considered “disturbing the learning process” and we can’t do it in school. Otherwise our principal can (and will) punish us for it.

Outside of school is fair game.

Right now, my friends/classmates and myself are creating a group to go to a school board meeting and show them what these books mean to us. It’s in the early stages of development, but we will get this done.

This is what I ask of you to do:


I want you to show the school board that we CAN handle these things, that we LOVE books, and that we will NOT take this lying down. Your support is the greatest thing you can offer. Reblog and signal boost. Share this on any social media site you’re on. Tell your friends. Spread the word.

It’s time to change this. We are young adults. It’s time to stop “protecting” us from things we should know about and can handle learning about.)


(Bringing this back around our way to show you guys. I want this to keep spreading, please.)

Signal boost.

I love books and I hate censorship.

Let’s do this.