

New article in response to the lates reveal by Paul Dini on why marketing execs don’t want girls in their audiences for super hero shows.
Sounds horrible right? People are shocked! Yeah, well, it’s worse then you think. 

I explore the reasoning, that drive execs and marketers to pro-actively exclude women from their audiences and to pro-actively encourage a culture in which women do not feel welcome.

This is why we can’t have nice things… or can we?

Read more here: link

This is an amazing and really accessible article that breaks down the thought process that leads to excluding women from marketing! 100% recommend. (Although the writer does have a tiny habit of spilling commas everywhere.)

“But most importantly, we have to got the backs of those who are driven. They will face a lot of backlash and rejection from the establishment and from the pampered male demographic, both seeing their way of doing things challenged and rejected, reacting with hostility. We need to encourage the young game makers and artists and provide safe spaces and resources for those creators, who have been pushed to the margins because of their gender , race, sexual orientation or views.”