

What idiotic social justice bloggers call “Cultural Appropriation” is actually called cultural diffusion and any 8th grade history teacher can tell you that.

It’s the spreading of ideas, concepts, entertainment, fashion, and just about all aspects of society past the borders of a country in exchange for knowledge and things from another.

It is the mixing of ideas for the advancement of ALL those involved and is a crucial component in the progress of society as a whole.

And you’re an idiot for crying out “CULTURAL APPROPRIATION?!?!” When a fucking white girl wears a Native American headdress or a white guy has dreadlocks or a Japanese person wearing Timberland boots.

Shut up.

The only time there is an issue is when people mock or demean another culture with sick parodies like blackface or hate crimes.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery – if I’m a black girl and I want to wear a kimono it means I appreciate the style of dress that Japan has developed and I am appreciating the culture and exposing others to it.

If you believe all cultures should be separate and we shouldn’t become involved or mixed together you’re

  1. An idiot who doesn’t understand basic history and how civilizations formed
  2. In support of segregation
  3. A bigoted racist/xenophobe

And the worst of it all is that these ridiculous social justice bloggers are mostly white, privileged, female Americans. It makes me ashamed to be associated with them because they’re so stupid they don’t realize that America is built on nothing BUT the mixing and sharing of cultures. 


A lot of this I like and feel it is important to remember…but one example used I strongly disagree with.

The Native American Headdress would be equivalent to say…a Japanese high schooler thinking she looks cool for wearing a Purple Heart as a decorative pin or a Congressional Medal of Honor as a choker.  Even if the person has a strong interest in the U.S., it would be disrespectful to what it stands for and the history of it.

Many cultures have items and symbols that represent achievements earned according to a specific criteria.  Military medals, specific awards, and…Native American Headdresses of any style are examples of these kinds of items.  To honor them and to honor the cultures they are apart of…you wouldn’t wear them as a fashion statement.

With that said, I definitely agree that items like food, most clothing, music, ect., fall into a category that can and should be enjoyed by anyone.