- Saudi student is literally surrounded by FBI for cooking rice under terrorist suspicions
- White people literally can not associate positive words with Black faces because of racism
- More white people use drugs but Black people are sent to jail for drugs at 10 times the rate that white people are
- Black people who “sound Black” earn less money than those who don’t because of associations with stereotypes. Black people who “sound Black” are less likely to get called back for jobs
- Black children grow up literally associating being Black with being bad and ugly
- White people when tested shot more unarmed Black subjects than armed and unarmed white subjects
- Hate crimes increase after Boston tragedy
- Moroccan High School Student is linked to Boston tragedy for being Brown
- Bangladeshi man is beaten by people out of racism
- NYPD Commissioner wants Black and Latino men to fear him after the police targeted literally 90 percent Black and Latino men in New York and humiliating them by frisking them in public under the assumption that they had weapons. Studies found that white men were the ones who overwhelmingly had weapons while Black and Latino men didn’t
- White people blaming and convicting Black men for crimes they never committed and everyone believing them because of racism
- Stop and Frisk, ruled unconstitutional was practiced by New York police disproportionately and unfairly affecting 90% Black and Latino men because of racism
- Universities throwing racist ‘Fiesta Party’ homogenizing culture with extreme racism
- Here are some of the numbers on hate crimes against People of Color and btw, Neo Naziism is increasing!
- Every 28 Hours an African American is Extrajudicially Murdered in the U.S.
- Black people 3 times more likely to be arrested for Marijuana
- Black people receive much harsher sentencing than white people for the same crimes
- Deaf Black man is stabbed out of racism when his sign language is mistaken for a GANG SIGN
- Anti-Islam posters run free on the train to reinforce racism anti-Islamic sentiments and Islamaphobia
- Oops! Chicago police raids the wrong house, holds an 11 month old at gunpoint to raise their hand, kills their dog all because of racism and assuming it was a crackhouse! Oopsies
- Let’s take it overseas! Black people in England and Wales are 7 times more likely to be stopped by police than white people. Asian people are twice as likely
- People assuming Native american baby names are actually Native and have any meaning to any ethnic group when they don’t
- Here’s a whole collection of people saying racist stereotyping homogenizing disgusting stuff about Natives
- People protesting (Idle No More) defending Native people’s humanity are attacked with violence
- White kids think it’s totally okay and normal to photograph themselves lynching a Black baby doll like an effigy
- Member of the most glorified band in the world Paul McCartney made a racist white supremacist song called ‘No Pakistanis’ and everyone still glorifies him as a good person
- Racism in actual political campaign in Massachusetts against a Native runner portraying her name and image in a racist stereotypical inappropriate manner
- Indian Sikh school students protest for students who are banned from wearing their turbans in public schools in France
- Here’s a graph of the statistic that approx every 28 hours an African American is extrajudicially executed in the US
- NYPD profiling and targeting LGBT*Q People of Color
- Black students (especially boys and children with disabilities) face more and harsher punishments in public schools and are being pushed out of schools into the criminal justice system.
- Black male incarceration has jumped 500% from 1986 to 2004
- Albany police: SWAT literally uses a poor Black neighborhood to train in because they say it’s ‘realistic’
- The audio recording from a young man of color of a NYPD stop and frisking him based solely how he looks calling him a “FUCKING MUTT”
- Incarceration rates by ethnicity
- All of this fucking cultural appropriation
NYPD Data Proves White People Are More Likely To Possess Drugs Or A Weapon Than Racial Minorities When Stopped, Yet 84% of Stop & Frisk Victims Are Black/Latino
- Residential Segregation
I mean I’m pretty sure it’s racism, why?