
This is all I’m gonna say on the matter, but:

I hope all my allistic followers are aware that books like To Siri With Love are the sort of thing that get autistic people killed. We die in real life because we’re seen as creepy, unsettling, yet still somehow laughable caricatures of humanity, and we are medicated to death, driven to death by family members and medical professionals who treat us worse than how they’d treat animals, and there are people who advocate to stop us from being born if there are “signs of autism” in an otherwise perfectly healthy (and wanted) fetus, because they think our lives are a fate worse than death.

This book is like a cross-section of that culture. 

The person who wrote this book is actively and knowingly – I don’t believe for a second that she’s just a well-meaning but misguided parent – contributing to a culture that wants her son dead. I hope he gets away from her quickly and never has to see her again. I hope he meets people who treat him like the worthy individual he is and help him heal from the trauma she’s caused. I’m so fucking sorry he has to cope with this book being out.

I don’t usually say things like “please unfollow me if”, but if you believe that autistic people should be medicated and sterilized against their will, or that cruelly and invasively mocking an already vulnerable 13-year-old in a bestselling book is acceptable, unfollow me.

(Actually, you know what, edit: allistic people are encouraged to reblog this.)