But imagine Osgood as a companion


Imagine this awkward, excitable, intelligent girl with anxiety and asthma whirling across space and time,

and she knows everything about the Doctor, she loves him, she worships him and of course she says yes to a quick trip with him how could you say no to that???

and a quick trip turns into adventure upon adventure and it’s both exhilarating and terrifying because she’s a scientist and there is nothing that she loves more than, or is more afraid of, than the universe

(and she knows everything about the Doctor, and so she knows about all the incredible people he’s traveled with—Susan and Romana and Sarah Jane and Martha Jones and Donna Noble—saviors of the earth and the universe, and she’s just Osgood, she’ll never be as amazing as they are, so she is just waiting for him to realize how unimportant she is and drop her back at home with her prettier sister and her scary coworkers and her lonely flat and her obese tabby) 

and so all her adventures are an equal blend of her being scared out of her mind, and discovering inner strength.

Imagine the Doctor (Capaldi’s Doctor) being supportive and funny and like the dad she never had (or better than the one she had because he understands molecular biology and likes her glasses and understands her jokes, not like her real dad who just watched telly and told her to be quiet).

Imagine him pushing her outside of her comfort zone and making her realize risks can be fun and rewarding but also stopping and waiting while she has to use her inhaler and sitting in silence with her watching the universe spin when she needs the quiet to let the negative doubts go and taking her to museums and planets where her eyes go wide with wonder at the new things she can learn and him chuckling and racing to keep up with her for once (or maybe once again).

And they’re best friends and like Dad and Daughter and by the end she’s bold but still smart, she’s tough but still gets scared, she becomes a woman comfortable with who she is, even if who she is is someone who occasionally runs away and cries and doesn’t like how her hair looks and can’t always fight or win.

Just imagine~