




references made to the sensorites [1964], the invisible enemy [1977], the visitation [1982], cat’s cradle: time’s crucible [1992], theatre of war [1994], lungbarrow [1997], cold fusion [1997], war of the daleks [1997], the book of the war [2002] zagreus [2003], the end of time [2009], and probably other things.

I like this, I think it’s helpful, but I almost feel like it’s shaming people who write smut of gallifreyanxgallifreyan or gallifreyanxanyone, by saying their asexual, and writing them any other way is wrong, I dunno, it just appears kinda rude.


Here’s the thing, there have been hints that the Doctor has at least participated in sex.  ”The Virgin Queen”, “Yeah, still got it”, etc.  I just think everyone writes the Doctor differently and if it’s been hinted at in canon, it’s not wrong to assume.  He’s a very human-like Time Lord.


I also got a distinct shaming vibe from this as well. Though it’s no doubt informative there’s a definite, “This is the only way to write the Doctor” feel to it. And I have to side with lastwomanoftime on this. The Doctor as played by Eccleston, Tennant and Smith isn’t remotely asexual.

Nine stating that yes the Doctor “dances” was acknowledged as a euphemism for sex and he becomes pissed off when Rose implies he doesn’t or can’t. He’s kissed and seemed to quite enjoy kissing Madame De Pompadour, Astrid, Lady Christina de Souza, Rose, albeit when Cassandra was in her body, (but I’d also submit that 10Too did kiss the real Rose and he’s no less a TimeLord just because he only had one heart), Amy, River and he’s covered in Marilyn Monroe’s lipstick in A Christmas Carol.

It’s implied he’s had sex with Elizabeth I as was already mentioned, he spends nights with River who’s “quite a screamer” while she’s in Stormcage and he told Amy at the end of Flesh and Stone that it had “been awhile”. There are several boner jokes during 11’s tenure, one with Mata Hari, one with Madame Vastra’s  Jenny and another with River, spring to mind. Not to mention the moment he becomes the Dream Lord his lust for Amy is pretty apparent. “Spooky old me.” *immediately changes into a (sexy?) velour dressing gown* “Anything could happen.”

 I could go on but I don’t think I need to, the days of “two hearts, no dick” are over. The Doctor is a shameless flirt with a dick that canon would imply works quite well and which he seems quite willing to use. And that frankly, given little comments like his retort of “Let’s not go there” to Rory’s complaint “Yours is bigger than mine.” regarding the size of their respective artificial lights in Vampires of Venice, I think he’s actually quite proud of what he’s got going on.

Though I would never say people must write him in a certain way I take issue with this need to turn him into a sexless creature when he simply isn’t written that way.

 And as for looming being the law of the land, from what I understand Gallifreyans are loomed as fully formed adults, not children, which contradicts what we’ve seen in Sound of the Drums, it contradicts the Doctor referring to once having had a brother in Smith and Jones and the fact that he tells us the cot in A Good Man Goes To War is his. While fully conceding that my knowledge of Classic Who is quite thin (I’ve only just started watching them from the beginning) New Who just doesn’t jell with the notion of an asexual, crotchless Ken doll TimeLord.

…Oh fucking hell.

If you’re going to get all self-righteous and ridiculously heteronormative about a post with references and information from literally the entire goddamn Whoniverse, don’t try to back it up with River Song. River Song is not a Time Lord, she’s not even Gallifreyan, she and her flirtatious personality—and flirting is not the same thing as sex, River’s interactions with the Doctor have nothing on the kinds of flirtation I’ve had with platonic friends—have literally nothing to do with the discussion at all.

The Doctor dances, and he’s good at it, and it’s a euphemism, and…? I fail to see your point here. Mindsex is, if you’ll pardon the pun, mindblowing. The assertion that “sex” means “humanoid penis in humanoid vagina” is… seriously, you don’t see what’s incredibly sick and gross and offensive and wildly inaccurate about that?

Furthermore, you’re assuming that “asexual” means “physically incapable of having sex” and no, no no no, just fucking no. Gallifreyans are inherently asexual—DON’T tune out and refuse to think about anything else I’m saying because I made a canonically-supported statement—and Gallifreyans can have libidos or they can not, and Gallifreyans can choose to have physical sex with a human or Gallifreyan partner for a wide variety of personal reasons, because that is how asexuality works.

I won’t even get into the fact that almost every single one of those “kisses he seemed to enjoy” were literally sexual assault because you would find some disturbing way to ~justify~ them and just please don’t, I enjoy my faith in humanity. I will say that Eleven, specifically, tends to kiss people when he’s excited and is very clearly modelling off Amy, who met (and forcibly kissed) him (see above re: SEXUAL ASSAULT) in the formative fifteen-ish hours of his life; the Doctor is an alien, he responds to things in a way that does not mesh with human ideas, so his attempts to act like and understand humans are based almost exclusively on modelling their behavior and learning from them.

(I mean, the Doctor literally tried to bash a man’s head in with a rock because it would take too long to heal him, and had to be forcibly stopped by a companion; a LOT of One’s run is him being called out by humans, and subsequently learning how our morality works. Susan and her flaming skulls, anyone…? Gallifreyans are NOT human, and there’s no reason they would instinctively respond to things like a human would. And they don’t.)

Also, if you knew exactly how dirty our minds are, boy would you ever not accuse us of shaming porn. Write porn. Write mountains of porn. But write porn that accurately portrays the characters you’re writing it about.

There’s rather a lot I could say about this but I don’t have the energy, so I’ll just finish up with this: Say the Doctor wasn’t asexual, which he is, because physical sex is not how Gallifreyan bodies work; no, that doesn’t mean you can’t ship him with anyone you like, seriously guys, mindsex, direct stimulation of your partner’s pleasure centers, it’s WAY more effective and a lot more efficient besides, and Gallifreyans are touch-telepaths as well, so have as much fun with that as you like, just write accurate smut. Say that you’re a shithead who is incapable of identifying with a character unless they have a sexuality you personally have experience with because you are an awful human being.

Your assertion that the Doctor would then necessarily have to have a dick is disgusting.

Why. Explain to me why. Give me one. Good. Reason. The Doctor isn’t even a fucking mammal. For all we know, the original Gallifreyan species spawned like frogs. What’s that do for your porn? The idea that “Oh, the Doctor looks and (presumably, nobody has ever actually bothered to ask them) identifies as male, SO THEY MUST HAVE A HUMAN PENIS AND A DESIRE TO USE IT WITH PEOPLE” is an offensive, wildly inaccurate and incredibly harmful idea even, or perhaps especially, if he was human. He’s not. He’s an alien.

If you have a problem with alien species being fundamentally different than you, if you are incapable of identifying with or accepting the character because of that, if you can’t overcome your desire to fit every single being in the universe into a comfortable box of Being Just Like You and get angry when it doesn’t work, if you refuse to acknowledge and appreciate and see the wonder and beauty in differences…

Friend, you are watching the wrong show.