



I shouldn’t have to be this scared.

Feminists really annoy me with this “I’m afraid of being raped while walking alone at night” thing.

Let me start off by saying that people from a young age are conditioned to be afraid of the dark. Scary movies teach us that in the dark lies the real danger of the world, monsters, killers, crazy animals, zombies, all the scary stuff.

If you mix that in with femnazi conditioning that men are evil, men are rapists and misogynists, you get a fear of rape while walking in the dark.  While chances are, you will successfully complete your walk with no real reason for there to have been fear in the first place, it’s still there.

I recently read an article (from a feminist website) about 101 ways men can be allies to women and one of the ways read as follows:

“If you see a woman walking alone at night, cross the street to make her more comfortable”

Now I don’t believe that is a word for word quote, but the idea is still there! Men ought to go out of their way to coddle women, cross the street to make a woman comfortable, because women are such fragile creatures, they can’t fucking buck up and get over it.

My advice to you: get over it. Everyone, EVEN MALES get nervous walking in the dark, it’s not your so-called “oppression”

Feminists really annoy me with this “I’m afraid of being raped while walking alone at night” thing.

Well, excuse us for being scared of being raped while walking alone… I don’t think this is even a feminist thing. This is a woman thing. This is a fear women experience. This is a real threat. Why does this very real, very rational fear annoy you?

Let me start off by saying that people from a young age are conditioned to be afraid of the dark. Scary movies teach us that in the dark lies the real danger of the world, monsters, killers, crazy animals, zombies, all the scary stuff.

ok 1) I hate to burst your bubble, but zombies are not a ‘real danger’. The rest, yes. 

2) Guess what falls under ‘scary stuff’? RAPISTS! Scary movies don’t teach us that, society and parents and teachers and even the experiences of our friends/family do. It’s a real danger. It happens. This fear is COMPLETELY valid. 

If you mix that in with femnazi conditioning that men are evil, men are rapists and misogynists, you get a fear of rape while walking in the dark.

Ok so yes there is some femnazi condition that men are ‘evil’, i won’t deny that, and THAT IS ALSO WRONG.

But there is also the concept that has come to be known as “Schrodinger’s Rapist”. When a man approaches you in public, he may or may not be a rapist. 1 in 4 women in the us have a chance of being raped. 

Let me say that AGAIN:

One. In. Four. 25%. Count every fourth women you pass. In school, at work, on the way to the bus. Count them. And understand that the odds are one of ever four to five women you pass. Have been. Raped. 

Those are real statistics that give a VERY rational fear of rape while walking, not just in the DARK, but ANYWHERE.

It takes me fingers on both hands to count people I’ve met, many of whom I encounter daily, who have been raped. Nine in total. Seven women. Two men. 

Those a real numbers of people I HAVE LOOKED IN THE FACE and had them tell me what happened to them. That gives me a VERY rational fear of rape while walking, not just in the DARK, but ANYWHERE. 

I have AT LEAST seven other friends who have told me of street harassment. Of gropings in public. Of men who would not leave them alone and have the thought flash across their minds: “Sorry, mom, I am about to become a statistic.” Who are scared because there is nowhere to run and if they keep being nice they might get grabbed and taken, of who are scared to make that man angry for fear they might get hit and taken and given a ‘good fuck’ to teach them a lesson. 

Again: Those a real numbers of people I HAVE LOOKED IN THE FACE and had them tell me what happened to them. That gives me a VERY rational fear of rape while walking, not just in the DARK, but ANYWHERE. 

While chances are, you will successfully complete your walk with no real reason for there to have been fear in the first place, it’s still there.

actually no, the chances of being raped are pretty fucking high. 

Now I don’t believe that is a word for word quote, but the idea is still there! Men ought to go out of their way to coddle women, cross the street to make a woman comfortable, because women are such fragile creatures, they can’t fucking buck up and get over it.

because women are such fragile creatures, they can’t fucking buck up and get over it.

fucking buck up and get over it.

Excuse you? Ok so you are going to tell me you walk around. In the dark. With no fear of assault? Well that’s good for you, but do NOT expect all women to ‘buck up and get over it’. 

Fuck that. FUCK that. 

I’m about to get real fucking personal. And I don’t care. 

I will never, in my life, get over waking up and answering the phone to a friend. I will never forget her sobs and how scared I was because the first time she spoke, all I caught through her gut-wrenching gasps and tears was ‘emergency room’. 

I will never. In the duration of my life. Forget the exact feeling of horror and sickness as she told me she was getting a rape kit.

I will never forget going to the emergency room and sitting with her and her mom. And getting in her mom’s car and going to the sheriff’s. And sitting in a tiny room while she was questioned. Then filled out a statement. I heard every detail. 

I watched her get into a sheriff’s car to go to another medical facility to get a rape kit and her mother followed. 

I walked across town back to my car. 

I will never forget, months later, sitting in a court room and hearing that scum bag’s lawyer as my friend questions. 

“What were you wearing?”
“And you /had/ been drinking? You realize that is illegal for a women your age?”
“Did you kiss him? It was reported to /me/ that you kissed him.”

He spoke to her like she was a child telling a lie. Like she had done the wrong thing and made a mountain out of a mole hill when she. Was. Raped. 


Do not

Need to ‘get over it’. 

Yes, men get nervous walking in the dark. But they worry more about getting mugged, beat up, followed. Women ALSO worry about these things PLUS RAPE.

We are, to rapists, easier targets. No lube? That’s fine, vagina’s stretch, they can get off. Need something to grab? Hey, women have long hair! That’s good! Easier to overpower? Yup, that, too! Smaller than rapists? Usually! 

Women have EVERY RIGHT to worry about getting raped, but something is broken in our society that we have to be this worried. This vigilant. My mother bought me mace to carry around my college campus. My father asked if I wanted to go through getting a concealed weapon. 

It is a real problem. Stop thinking it isn’t. Stop acting like ‘Waaaaah feminists are making a big deal out of this!’

Stop. It IS a big deal. 


This is not “a feminazi thing”. This is A WOMAN THING. I don’t know a single woman who doesn’t take precautions when she’s alone at night, and I also don’t know a single woman who hasn’t AT LEAST been sexually harassed once in her life. The first time I left my house alone after dark in years – last summer – I ended up getting mugged. This is not an irrational fear. This is not only something that the majority of women will experience at least once, but it’s also something that we are socialized with.