

Remember Andy Gallagher from Supernatural? The complete badass, mind controlling, minor character that was killed off after appearing in only 2 episodes (a death I’m sure I will never recover from)? Well this guy is played by none other than Gabriel Tigerman. And I’m telling you this for a reason.

I don’t have many followers but I figured I would try to get the word out a little bit before time runs out. I have mentioned this before but I feel that with time running out, I should mention it one last time.

Gabriel’s wife, Kathryn Fiore gave birth to baby Alice on May 28th. Unfortunately, there were serious complications during the labor. 

After an emergency C-section, baby Alice was rushed to the NICU for breathing difficulties while Kathryn fought for her life. She suffered from a uterine hemorrhage, requiring 2 liters of her blood to be replaced, as well as intubation to restore her breathing. Kathryn went into septic shock and complete organ failure. She required emergency dialysis, and teams of specialists consulted and prescribed targeted drugs and other life-saving procedures. Fortunately, she stabilized 12 days later, but with a long road to recovery ahead.

Baby Alice stayed in the NICU for 10 days, then was able to come home. Kathryn on the other hand was stuck in the hospital for 4 more weeks, unable to meet her new daughter. As of right now, she is back at home (still in recovery!) and currently working on saving her hands since the clots that had formed while in septic shock had caused gangrene to render them useless.

Kathryn has had to undergo dialysis, physical and occupational therapy, and hyperbaric oxygen treatment for her hands and feet since the clotting was so severe. She has been unable to care of her own daughter. She has been fighting a battle for months now and still has a scary road ahead of her. And the medical bills will be astronomical! Enough to put anyone in crippling debt. So this is where the amazing power of the Supernatural family come in!

If you go to this link, you will be able to read the complete story and updates of Kathryn’s health as well as donate money to Gabriel and Kathryn to help with the medical expenses. There is less than 24 hours left to donate! So move fast! 

Donate to the cause. Help a family out.

We are awesome! Let’s do this!!