



What if we were transparent? What if we could actually SEE our unborn children growing and kicking inside of the womb?

Would we meet a mother on the street and comment how beautiful her child is? Tell her how much her baby has grown since the last time we saw her?

Would mothers sitting in abortion clinic waiting rooms steal quick glances at each others babies to silently bid farewell?

Would a mother be able to bear the sight of an abortionist inserting his forceps into her womb to firmly grasp and viciously tear her child’s limbs from its tiny body?

We all know the answers to these questions.

If only we were transparent so that those who cannot see with their heart could see with their eyes.

This shit is so transparently emotionally manipulative and misleading, it’s almost laughable. 

The fetus in the picture is like at least 8 or even 9 months, an age at which no abortions are preformed because a fetus at that stage is almost always viable outside the womb. I was born at 8 months for fuck’s sake. At that stage labor would simply be induced or a c-section preformed if the pregnancy had to be ended for some reason. (No one sits around pregnant for 8 months and 3 weeks before deciding that they don’t actually want to do this, ya know. The only reason that a pregnancy would need to be cut short at that stage is if natural labor would be life threatening) 

The vast majority of abortions happen within the first 14 weeks (92% in fact!). More than 1/3 of all abortion happens in the first 6 weeks. 80% happen within the first 10 weeks. [Sources: CDC and The Guttmacher Institute

Just to be clear, THIS is what a fetus at 10 weeks looks like: 


To be clear, that fetus is the size of a kidney bean and still has webbed appendages. 


So to answer your questions: No. You would not be able to even SEE a fetus at this stage, even with bizarre and creepy transparent skin.  Internal organs, blood vessels and other inner workings would block your view of the tiny little 1 inch lump you’d be trying to view in someone elses abdomen. 

AND for all your emotional blackmail and misrepresentation of the facts, you are forgetting the primary argument in favor of protecting abortion: bodily autonomy. No creepy glass-skinned dystopia setting where people are free to peer at your internal organs whenever they want (I guess we don’t wear clothes in your weird fantasy either, yeah?) changes the fact that people have a right to bodily autonomy, even if they become pregnant. 

I purposely selected an image depicting a 24 week old fetus. Isn’t that what all the pro-choice abortion advocates have been screaming for the right to kill in Texas?

A 24 week old unborn child is a real human being, just like he or she was when just the size of a kidney bean at eight weeks. Just as real as you and I.

Because size does not determine your humanity, your DNA and the love of your human community establishes that.

Ahahaha. I live in Texas. The recent legislation banned abortions after 20 weeks (a month earlier than your picture claims to be of) and shut down all but five clinics in the state. 26 million people and only 5 clinics. Some of those clinics require drives of up to 5 or 6 hours (one way!) to reach now, especially for women living out in the Valley, making the trip prohibitively difficult for many. 

And no. My fingernails have human DNA, but picking at my fingernails is not manslaughter. You know what I think determines humanity? Viability outside the womb, consciousness, self-awareness, all of which a fetus (especially one at 20 weeks) lacks. 

But you know what? It doesn’t matter if you think that little lima bean of blood and meat is a person. Fine. It’s a person if you want. I don’t give a shit. You know why? 


If my 14 year old brother was in a horrific accident, and the only thing that could save him was a blood transfusion from ME, the law can not compel me to give blood. Even if he would DIE, and the blood transfusion would be minimally invasive, I could not be forced to donate. Because we value bodily autonomy. 

Hell, even a step further: If the only thing that could save my brother was harvesting the organs of a CORPSE, but that person did not agree to be an organ donor before death: it is ILLEGAL to harvest organs from them. EVEN CORPSES GET BODILY AUTONOMY, even if it costs the life of a living person. 

And trust me on this: pregnancy is much much more stressful on a physical, emotional, mental, financial, and hormonal level than a blood transfusion. Hell, a human fetus will breach the carrier’s circulatory system and stifle the production of insulin so that more sugar is available in the blood for it to consume. And you want to FORCE someone to undergo that process because…..if we were all freaky transparent-skinned nudists, you would feel bad for the lima-bean fetuses inside other human’s abdomens? 

I understand that you, personally, would not get an abortion if you were put in that situation. That is fine. You are more that welcome to make any choice you want. But I fid it DEEPLY unethical, immoral, and frankly gross that you would violate other people’s right to bodily autonomy by trying to impose YOUR personally convictions onto others that have situations that you do not know, do not understand, and do not have to take into account when you make your choice.