



the new pope just became one of my new favorite people in the world

i’d understand if you said he was one of your favourite popes because obviously this is a nice thing for a pope to say, but what he said isn’t very impressive outside of catholicism so

A pope just defied thousands of years of dogma and ya still complaining

I don’t think people understand, so let me clarify this for you—

The pope.

(a man who literally has more far-reaching power than any political leader, pop-culture icon, or other current religious leader, a man some Catholics believe takes his orders directly from God and a man nearly all Catholics and most Protestants would agree is the most qualified to make religious statements in the Catholic church)

Just said.

(in a voice that will be translated into countless languages, repeated in every corner of the world, and taken by almost every Catholic church as divine)

That he

(the aforementioned pope)

shouldn’t judge a gay man.

(translation: holy shit this is a big deal)