This random guy on the street, looking at my Avengers t-shirt: It’s funny how so many girls are into them these days just to impress boys
Me: Well, I didn’t know that girls couldn’t like something independent of what boys thought of them.
Guy: Seriously? You’re telling me you like the Avengers for real? Alright, who is your favourite Avenger then?
Me calmly: Alright, well that depends on the line-up, but it’s between the Wasp and Quicksilver.
Guy rolls his eyes: See, this is what I mean, stop pretending to like something you don’t even understand. Quicksilver is an X-men, not an Avenger, it’s a whole different movie-series. And the Wasp isn’t a thing, you’re just making things up now. Just admit it, you’re just pretending.
Me, still calm: Oh you meant the movie. First of all, let me clarify. I thought you meant the general Avengers multiverse, movies, comics and cartoons, seeing as my t-shirt is a comic reference. Because The Wasp (pointing to her on my t-shirt) was a founding member of the Avengers, she was there even before Captain America was revived and joined. Secondly, Quicksilver aka Pietro and his sister Wanda aka Scarlet Witch aren’t X-men, they were part of the Brotherhood of Mutants before they turned and joined the second line-up of Avengers. They’re all Marvel characters, they move around a bit, it’s the same multiverse.
Me, no longer very calm: Thirdly, telling me that I’ve been reading MARVEL comics religiously since I was 6 years old to attract boys is not a valid argument. I am not some sort of robot. I am perfectly capable of enjoying things for myself. Look. I could look down on you for only liking the movie and not being an expert on it. But I don’t. You don’t have to be an expert on something to like it. The same way you don’t have to be a boy to enjoy superhero comics. So how about we not insult each other for liking the same damn thing, is that a good plan?
Guy: Oh my God, you are such a nerd.
Me, calm having flown the nest: listen you little misogynistic pig, if I don’t know about the topic, I’m an idiot, if I do, then I’m a nerd? This topic is way beyond your IQ, and I’m wasting my time here. You can leave.