

‘if you’re a trans guy why are you wearing a bra’
listen my dude, unsure if you know but the day I came out as trans my breasts didn’t immediately retract into my body. they continue to exist. and wearing a binder – no matter how well it fits – for hours on end day in day out becomes unbelievably uncomfortable. wearing a bra as a trans guy doesn’t make you a Bad Trans™. can we stop putting expectations on trans people to perform to the Good Trans Person Standards and being terrible to them when they don’t. other words, can people mind their own fuckin business when it comes to other people’s bodies and what they do with them lmfao

this goes for giving trans women shit for not shaving too. there are a hundred and one reasons why someone may choose not to shave or not be able to. people empower cis women for not shaving (which is perfectly fine and great) and in the same breathe shame a trans woman for not choosing to shave. don’t force a higher standard of presentation onto trans people, especially when those presentations are rooted in stale expectations of gender.