I’ve seen my share of “fake geek girl” shaming, and just thought having a Fairy Gamer Momma to come to the rescue would be nice. I know they exist, I’ve met plenty who are amazing and could beat my ass at any version of Mario Kart. Give the Gamer Momma in your life a big hug! 😀
ill be ur local cartoon/comic momma come 2 me
I got to “Do you know how precious quarters were?“ and I just about died. Let me tell you a story.
When I was playing some DDR in an arcade, I placed a quarter on the machine, signaling that I would get the next game. It’s an unwritten rule of arcades: the coin line.
Well, a kid tried to take my quarter like it was free. I had to explain what a coin line was and why it was important. He shrugged it off, but I left the arcade later thinking that courtesy and kindness in gaming died with arcades, where everyone, regardless of gender or age, could go, meet new people, and have fun with video games.
I never once thought twice about a girl kicking my ass at Street Fighter, or Tekken, or DDR. I saw old guys and young kids come in and destroy on Area 51 or House of the Dead. I watched a family play Cruisin’ USA together.
Back when games brought people together, either to have fun or even just to watch someone try to beat a high score. That’s what I think of when I hear of “real gamers.” The ones who respected others because they were damn good at games. Period.