Any Questions?
Hmm, I was under the impression that this blog was about chronic illness, education on it, spoonie community… not shaming teenage mothers.
Sucks to have to unfollow but yeah. Not cool.
What is this bullshit? Yes, let’s place all the blame on the woman, as usual. It isn’t as though another person is required for conception to happen or anything. Oh, no.
There is no such thing as a 14 year old wearing provocative clothing. If you’re sexually attracted to a child, you’re the problem.
^ commentary.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ raretowelldone, if I knew you i’d bake you something
This literally makes no sense. Wearing make up or dressing a certain way doesn’t make you more likely to get pregnant at 16. First of all, this is slut-shaming to the max. Secondly…wearing makeup or dressing a certain way doesn’t mean you’re having sex. Thirdly, if the child has sex, it does not mean they’re having unprotected sex…even tho if they were we know nothing is guaranteed and shit happens. I guess if someone my age dresses “provocatively” I am at a higher risk of unplanned pregnacy? GTFO