



I never even knew this and I’ve fed bread to ducks multiple times! D: Definitely reblog this so everyone knows! 

*frets over how many ducks she’s potentially killed*

*is horrified*

Let me break down the incorrect info in this image:

Causes Botulism in Ducks

Botulism is certainly a fate all mammals are susceptible to. But with bread? No.

You’re telling me a few pieces of bread on the bottom a lake will completely remove all the oxygen in the water? Killing every single fish/tadpole/crawfish which causes them to float to the top. With no rain too in this time period. And no stream that inputs/outputs the water (aka how lakes exist) as well. Which then Clostridium botulinum will grow. And then affect the ducks after they ingest it.


Contributes to Deformities such as “Angel Wing”

Angel Wing is caused by high calorie, high protein diet.

Bread doesn’t have that much protein. And watermelon has waaaaaaaay more calories than various types of bread. A+ job there telling people to feed it worse things.

Heck, a serving suggestion of pumpernickel bread has less calories than the same of carrot.

By the way “lack of nutrients in bread”. Bread is made from wheat. The bedrock of food. Grains that grew an empire. BIRDS FUCKING EAT WHEAT.  Sure some nutrients are lost in the process of converting wheat into that loaf but additives are put in to return it to its normal state SO YOU DON’T FUCKING DIE OF MALNUTRITION. Sure as hell a duck won’t die from malnutrition too eating the same shit.

ppppSSSSSSSsssssssssst…there’s also been no documented case of Angel Wing caused by bread. Ever.

Atrracts Predeators and Dometics Ducks

Did you have a seizure and misspell everything but ‘and’ and ‘ducks’?

“Domestic Ducks are attracted to feeding lakes or ponds and then breed with our native ducks”



Now feeding ducks isn’t all that bad. There are pros and cons to everything. Pro: you extended the life of the duck and let it live a happy comfortable life. Con: it may get used to humans and die from an excited dog that’s being walked. Pro: more ducks at your lake=more likely they’ll want to nest and you have duckling eye candy as you watch them grow. Con: ducks never leave for the winter and may die in the cold. Pro: your lake is a safe home from predators. Con: not safe enough from troubled youths who like to hurt animals.

Like with anything, moderation is key.

LOL I was waiting for you to debunk this.  “Did you have a seizure and misspell everything but ‘and’ and ‘ducks’?”  holy shit, this made me seizure of LAUGHING.