


I can’t even express how sad this moment was to me.

Imagine being taken at roughly five years old, living your whole life under the orders of some creature that feeds on human conciousness, growing old without having ever had a chance to live.

Then imagine being a kid, filled in a room full of people pointing guns at you, scared that your parents have left you. You catch your reflection. You’re not a kid at all. Your parents are dead. Anyone you knew has grown up, forgetting you. Your best friend is fifty, but you were in the playground with her just yesterday. You wouldn’t recognise anyone you know if you passed them in the street, and all you are to them is a childhood memory.
You’ve lived and lost half your life without knowing it, you’ve got forty years left, at best. And what will you do with those short years? Get a job? But you’re only five. Pick up where you left off as a kid and go to school? But you’re an adult. You have nobody left to provide for you, but you can’t very well provide for yourself. The best you’ll get is misdiagnosed dementia and stuck in a home.

The worst part? Anyone that could possibly have explained all this to you has undergone the same process. There is nobody left who can ever help you understand. You will always be a confused and scared little girl.

This almost made me cry fucking shit it was too sad 

For me, this is the scariest thing Moffat has ever done