Bored this summer? Build a TARDIS!
Infinitely faster than growing one.
Making a Simple Tardis Bookcase =============
~ $60 + 15 hours (lots of it in between waiting for paint/ wood glue to dry)
bill of material:
1. structural (use screws)
2 pcs – 11.25” x 0.75” x 18” (sold as 11.5” by 1”, cut to 18” at HomeDepot)
4 pcs – 11.25” x 0.75” x 36” (sold as 11.5” by 1”, cut to 36”)
24+ pcs – I used #6 x 1.25” (anything #6 – #10 and 1”+long would be fine)
1 pcs – 19” x 36” (backboard; can be cut from big 4’ by 8’ of of thin plywood)2. top decoration (use wood glue)
2 pcs – 3.5” x 0.75” x 12” (sold as 3.75” by 1”, cut to 12”)
1 pcs – 3.5” x 0.75” x 19.5” (sold as 3.75” by 1”, cut to 19.5”)
1 pcs – 11.25” x 0.75” x 17.5” (sold as 11.5” by 1”, cut to 17.5”)3. fine decoration (use wood glue)
6 pcs – 31.75” x 2” (cut from big plywood sheet)
12 pcs – 2.625” x 2” (same plywood. * I used 11/32” thickness, but any works)
4 pcs – 2.625” x 1” ( just break two of above into 4 pieces)4. For the top tardis alarm light, I used a PVC pipe connected to a pipe cap
5. your choice of blue spray paint + wood glue
You can buy all these from HomeDepot, and get most of them cut for free there as well. Pictures are worth a thousand words, so I made some CAD drawing for anyone who wants to try this as a weekend project. Good Luck and Cheers!