Extrovert vs. Introvert
There is this common misconception about the natural behaviour of extroverts and introverts; extroverts are often times characterized as being lively and talkative, while introverts are naturally quiet and withdrawn.
This isn’t true. It’s correct that when you meet someone shy and quiet they will more likely be and introvert than an extrovert; however, this doesn’t mean that introverts are naturally shy, or that shy people always have to be introverts. On the contrary, introverts can be very talkative and discuss topics that intrest them for hours on end.The actual definition of an Introvert is someone who draws energy from being alone with their thoughts, while Extroverts draw their energy from being with others.
Introverts are people can who draw energy from being alone with their thoughts. They enjoy, and sometimes even need, a deep conversation with people they trust; they often don’t like small talk, or rather often don’t see the point in it. But after a while they will feel the need to be alone again, to recharge and sort out things on their own.
Extroverts on the other hand, are people who draw their energy from being with others. They can enjoy being alone with their ideas and dreams just as an introverts can enjoy being around people, yet after a while they will feel the need to interact with others to fill up their energy.I love this and will always reblog it.
Thank you. I’ve read too many post like this where extroverts are portrayed as loud douchewaffles and introverts as special loner snowflake babies.
I’m genuinely unsure which of these I am. My introverted friend I talked to about this says I’m an extrovert. I get awfully overwhelmed by crowds anymore though. I seem to get burned out by people and just want time with close friends.
Anyway, reblogging for the last comment: Thank you. I’ve read too many post like this where extroverts are portrayed as loud douchewaffles and introverts as special loner snowflake babies.
Right fucking on.
YES. thank you so much for pointing out the difference. i know pretty much that i’m an introvert because even though i am pretty social and love hanging out with people, i start to feel absolutely exhausted if I’m with a group of friends for 8+ hours.
You’re not a special snowflake if you’re an introvert, you just need some time alone every so often to recharge.