


Your name is DOCTOR WHO FANDOM, and you’ve just saved your once-mortal enemy HOMESTUCK, from an UNFATHOMABLY POWERFUL FORCE, and now it appears you two are on the same side. For the first time! ALLONS-Y!

HETALIA took a liking to you rather fast, but Homestuck is apprehensive of trusting you, since your title is LORD OF TIME, though you think you’ll all come to terms eventually. besides, you have TWO HEARTS, so you have enough room to care for ALL YOUR NEW FRIENDS YOU’VE MET TODAY.

Your friends refer to you as a TIME TRAVELING HIPSTER, which you agree with. hey! FEZZES are cool!

You enjoy many things, including taking your friends on AMAZING JOURNEY’S through SPACE AND TIME on your TARDIS, and fighting RIDICULOUS ALIEN MONSTERS THAT ARE HELL-BENT ON DESTROYING EVERYTHING.You are OBLIVIOUS to the fact that most of the fandoms find you REALLY ATTRACTIVE in some WEIRD ‘BRITISH’ WAY.

Also, your SCARF is really long and SHERLOCK FANDOM keeps tripping over it. They think you should really fix that.

but you won’t. Your scarf is fucking amazing.

With your trusty SONIC SCREWDRIVER, you’ve found that most of the fandoms in your group are trustworthy, though you question the humanity of the SUPERNATURAL FANDOM, which keeps giving Homestuck odd looks…

Speaking of odd looks, Homestuck is staring at you now, and Hetalia is whispering something about Homestuck being flushed for you? Whatever that means.

anyways, let’s continue this adventure! Come along, Homestuck!


Is this like a Homestuck Fandom Fan Adventure thing? Is that what tumblr has been up to lately? This is slowly turning into some kind of Inception thing.

Yes. Kind of. It’s Fandomstuck. Just a whole bunch of personified fandoms working together. It’s really neat!