

I never thought to share this on tumblr but about five years ago I took a copy of Twilight and poured a bottle of highly concentrated sulfuric acid on it.

There’s actually a fun anecdote as to how I got permission to do this. In high school, I was sort of the general science TA, and as such, I cleaned out the store room. A lot. At one point, I was cleaning the chemical room when I came across the bottles of 12 M hydrochloric acid.

Me: So, [AP Chem teacher’s name], what are the chances of me using some of this on a copy of Twilight for [suitably appropriate substitute for “shits and giggles”]?

Her: Well, that would be fun, but…

Me: I understand…

Her: …the 18 M sulfuric acid would be MORE fun.

And that’s how I got permission to pour deadly chemicals all over a copy of one of my least-favorite books.

#twilight #sulfuric acid #put them together and what have you got #lots of smoke and it actually caught on fire for a little while #i had to spend a week diluting it with basic solutions and water before it was neutral enough to put down the sink #this was dangerous shit