






im setting myself on fire goodbye 

I am not sexist,anti-feminine or whatever

excuse me as i shove a pike up this man’s ass and force him to learn about each woman in history that has ruled or made an impact on society and HE HAS NO CHOICE BUT TO LISTEN.

way to make a set group of people feel like shit

how do people not realize there’s something fucking wrong with ideologies like this??? HOW DO PEOPLE FUCKING THINK THIS IS OKAY AT ALL IN ANY CONTEXT?

Son I think you need to sit the fuck down and pay attention for a mother fuckin’ minute.

” Never been forced to die in war “; Here’s a list of American women who have died in war since 9/11 as of October ‘12. Mother fuckin’ Joan d’Arc died pretty gruesomely in war too, if you’d care to remember.

” Not capable of performing the same tasks men do “; I can’t even begin to tell you how arrogant that is. For fun, here’s a woman who was a pirate and did it better than any man ever did.

” Remember when you weren’t allowed to vote? “; Do you remember when African American men weren’t allowed to vote or own land? What is your reasoning behind that? So besides being sexist, you’re racist, too?

” Never ruled the world ” Holy shit. Have you ever heard of Cleopatra? Any of the mother fucking Queens of England? Queen Victoria was a mother fuckin’ EmpressHere’s a list of recorded women rulers.

” Never invented anything worth mentioning “; First of all, do you remember Marie Curie? Pretty damn sure at least one of your highschool classes mentioned her. How about this dandy lady, Gertrude Elion. She invented the first treatment for leukemia, treatments for herpes, gout, malaria, and some other shit for when your urethra stings when you piss.

 There are plenty of more things I could link, but I’m done. If you want to learn, you can go teach yourself.

 Women are a part of the world, a part of History. Women are equal to men. If you would stop to pull your head out of your ass, you’d notice that women actually contribute a shit-ton to this world.

 Make your own mother fucking sandwich you little shit.

There should be more women like you, honestly.

ok i’m slightly happier now