


Nepeta & Equius

Okay so some more of my Humanstuck. These two are practically a unit. They are super best friends, who even have matching BFF necklaces that Nepeta made for them back in middle school. Equius always keeps it on his person, even though he tries to hide it in his pocket most of the time for the sake of appearance.

How they became friends? Equius was always a weird kid. Like, really weird because come on, he’s Equius. Creepy weird. So he always got picked on mercilessly by his peers. He used to be the sort that would threaten with violence, but never touch anyone, and while his threats kind of made people back off at first, eventually kids realized they were empty threats. He was a real quiet, skinny kid.

One day, he was getting teased pretty bad, and these kids (as young kids do) were threatening to beat him up. Nepeta was on the playground that day, and swooped in and gave the kids a pounding and a big f*ck you for picking on nice quiet Equius. She got suspended for it, and Equius apologized profusely for indirectly getting her into trouble, but she swore it was worth it. And they were friends ever since.

That’s also when Equius realized that being STRONG and assertive was in his best interest. Nepeta encouraged him at first to pick up martial arts and speak up for himself. Of course, Equius took this way overboard, and instead of being able to confidently stand up to people, started being kind of a condescending douche instead.

Nepeta does her best to keep him in line though and always calls him on his rudeness and tells him to relax. It usually works.
