I got tagged by destielandjohnlock

I can’t be bothered thinking of questions or tagging people so I’ll just answer.

1: If you had the option to either not eat or not sleep and still be perfectly healthy, which one would you cut out and why?

no idea because on the one hand I’d have so much more time if I never slept but on the other hand if I didn’t have to eat I wouldn’t worry about accidentally starving to death

2: Three turn ons?

????? ???

3: Three turn offs?


4: What colour is the shirt you are wearing?

navy blue.

5: Favourite ice-cream flavour?

white chocolate

6: Do you play an instrument? If so, what is it?

tenor saxophone (interesting fact about tenors: they are better than altos)

7: How many pillows do you sleep with?


8: Would you rather be warm or cool right now?

I am fine with the temperature I am right now?

9: Favourite song?

I have literally zero knowledge of any music ever so I have no idea

10: What’s a skill you have that you’re proud of?


11: A bad habit?

going to bed late when I need to get up early