


This makes me laugh so hard every time.

This moment ruined that entire movie for me because it absolutely destroyed the image of dumbledore


I don’t mind changes in movies based on books, I mean, they obviously can’t fit in everything, and copying everything would be boring. 

But THAT made me extremely disappointed. The whole point of him being very calm and collected is to make him the one thing Harry believes is completely invincible and will always be there for him. If you have him freak out, it ruins the emotional impact you get on later in the series when he’s at his worst. 

You could argue he was yelling because he was yelling out of worry, but if that was the case it wasn’t pretty well portrayed. Also Dumbledore is a silly badass. He’s okay with pranks and saying weird things, but when he’s serious he’s the type to calmly calculate stuff in his head, not go “RAAAWRR”.

The whole movie was pretty much bleh though. Not just for people who read the books; they at least understood what was going on. People who hadn’t read the books were completely lost. It made me sads. Also no Quidditch World Cup fff- :c 

(On the plus side, I love how you can tell Daniel isn’t even pretending to be shocked. Poor guy. :’D)