HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! (With love from all of us at the DWFO!)
The Doctor Who Fan Orchestra are proud to present their sixth collaboration: “A Christmas Carol (Suite)”.
The suite contains the following themes: “Come Alond Pond”, “You Didn’t Hit The Boy”, “Fish”, “Babysitter”, “The Other Half’s Inside The Shark”, “He Comes Every Christmas”, “New Memories” and “Abigail’s Song” — all composed by Murray Gold.
The Doctor Who Fan Orchestra invites musical fans of Doctor Who to take part in an online collaborative celebration of Murray Gold’s music. Participants submitted recordings for this work from November to December 2012.
This final mix includes over 350 submissions from 241 individual participants, ranging in age from 12 to 80, and who are located in at least 25 different countries across the world.
The next piece will be “Amy’s Suite” – featuring some classic Amy themes as well as one or two surprises. To take part, look out for instructions in the upcoming promotional video.
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/)