homestuck is good because if you want to name your real life children after the characters you can take the subtle route… rose, john, roxy… or if you’re a true fan you can commit. vriska, karkat, hearts boxcar
Homestuck Child Naming
GuideTotally Average
John, Rose, Dave, Jade, Jane, Roxy, Dirk, Jake, Jack (Noir)
Strange but Acceptable
Aradia Kanaya Eridan Damara Porrim Arenea Calliope
how… UniqueLatula Horuss Kurloz Cronus Meenah Rufio Mituna Kankri Meulin Feferi Tavros
Sollux Karkat Equius Gamzee Nepeta Terezi Vriska CalibornWait What
Snowman, Hearts Boxcar, Spades
Slick, Diamonds Droog, Clubs Deuce, Bequerel, Wayward Vagabond Aimless
Renegade, Peregrine Mendicant, Windswept Questant, Writ KeeperGod Tier
The Handmaid, The Summoner, The
Ψiioniic, The Signless, The Disciple, The Dolorosa, Neophyte Redglare, Marquise
Spinneret Mindfang, E%ecuter Darkleer The E%patriate, The Grand Highblood,
Orphaner Dualscar, Her Imperial CondescensionTrue God Tier
Acceptable, but provides a vague feeling of unease:
Andrew Hussie