

One of my favorite categories of taz headcanon is “random stuff lucretia forgot to erase”

  • The classic “elves in Faerun don’t echolocate”
  • The one where Magnus jumps up behind Davenport as part of rogue training and Davenport yells “Magnus, stop doing that!!!” 100% reflexively
  • A fic I read one time where Taako and Magnus got into some lengthy debate about Fantasy Iron Chef or Fantasy Survivor or something while a local with no concept of television listened in like “How?? Were you watching these people???  Guys??”
  • Magnus stripping naked in front of Lucretia doesn’t twig as weird to anyone in the room
  • Davenport can’t hold a conversation, but he can and will destroy you at any strategy game you put in front of him
    • Addendum: sometimes he and Merle play some sort of elaborately house ruled poker with a tarot deck and no one else can figure out what’s going on but they don’t seem to be improvising and they never actually discussed the house rules before implementing them?
  • Magnus punches a plate of cookies out of Avi’s hands because those have hazelnuts in them and don’t you know the Director is allergic?? (He didn’t know.  Nobody knew.  Merle and Taako knew)
  • Merle starts up some drinking song that nobody on this entire moon has ever heard before but Magnus jumps right in.  Taako rolls his eyes but joins in on the chorus.  The Director can correctly identify it within two lines.
  • Lydia and Edward actually have no freaking clue what Dupree is (malformed dragon?) but Merle and Magnus are just “ah yes.  A t-rex”
  • Barry Bluejeans is a fighter but that one mission involving a necromancer he recognized the ritual immediately and made fun of the guy for using an inefficient circle.

Content like that.  I live for it.

Magnus getting naked in the middle of a meeting with the Director and receiving no reaction is my favorite not-canon-but-canon instance where Lucretia forgets that she’s not supposed to let on that she spent a lifetime sharing a home with these doofuses