This is Scooby-Doo in a nutshell right here, folks.




So, these three are investigating an abandoned sawmill, because of course they are.

Shaggy stands in his designated Totally Unsuspicious Floor Square that’s utterly indistinguishable from the rest of the floor.

Trust me. It just is.

They talk for a bit… Scooby makes this face…

…and Velma is inevitably grabbed by a ghost yeti.

…additionally, I should note that being grabbed by a ghost yeti makes her hat change colors.

Next, Shaggy falls through the floor, because OMIGOSH IT WAS ACTUALLY A TRAPDOOR CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?

…though, to be fair, I guess anything is possible in Scooby-Doo…

 …after all, an entire new wall snuck up behind them between shots.

I freakin’ love this show.

the yeti put it there

Animation errors are beautiful because the background isn’t even the wall. It’s a flat image for background texture. They forgot an entire WALL